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The manager

The Aix-Marseille-Provence Metropolitan CCI is a public institution whose activities are related to the support of companies, training, economic development of the territory, as well as the management of airport and port infrastructures, training, or the influence and attractiveness of the territory.

The CCIAMP has been a public service delegate for the Port of Anse de la Réserve since 2018. With this public service contract, the company is demonstrating its ambition for the yachting industry and its desire to play a useful role in the transformation of the Aix-Marseille-Provence territory, its influence and its activity by combining user satisfaction and the development of the industry.

The CCIAMP’s project for this port located in the Vieux-Port of Marseille includes the creation of a real « Village Plaisance ». Integrated in the local port ecosystem and emblematic of the new models of city-port interface, it combines new services for yachtsmen and professionals, digitalization, ecological transition and major events.

In 2020, the CCIAMP has also invested 1 million euros to secure, modernize, embellish, make more functional and attractive the port facilities including the emblematic Rowing Club building and its restaurant of the same name.

The CCIAMP is also involved in the management of many other facilities in the region, such as the Grand Port Maritime de Marseille, Marseille Provence Airport, Kedge Business School and the World Trade Center.