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Legal notices

The Port of Anse de la Réserve website managed by :

SASU Anse de la Réserve
34 Boulevard Charles Livon,
13007 Marseille
SIRET : 842 021 933 00010

Director of the publication : Jérome Giraud, General Director – SASU Anse de la Réserve

Website Manager : Antoine CABASSU

IT development and maintenance

CCI Métropolitaine Aix-Marseille-Provence

Website hosting

The Port of Anse de la Réserve website is hosted by Ecritel France, whose head office is located at 84, rue Villeneuve 92110 Clichy – France.

Article 1 : Purpose

The purpose of the present General Conditions of Use is to define the terms and conditions for making the Port Anse de la Réserve website available, in compliance with legislative and regulatory provisions.
SASU Anse de la Réserve reserves the right, at any time, to modify all or part of the General Conditions of Use of the site.

The access to the Port of Anse de la Réserve website is FREE (except for the operator’s connection fees).

SASU Anse de la Réserve endeavors to leave the service of the site accessible 24/24 hours and 7/7 days. Nevertheless, the modalities and operations of tests, control and maintenance, as well as the necessary interventions in case of breakdowns, can be carried out by SASU Anse de la Réserve or its service providers at any time without notice and without right to compensation.

Article 2 : Intellectual property - copyrights

The Port of Anse de la Réserve website includes all the information accessible under the service, in particular in the form of texts, photos, images, sounds, data, databases and downloadable programs – including the underlying technology, structured and presented in the form of screen pages.

Subject to the rights possibly held by the partners of SASU Anse de la Réserve or by other third parties on the whole of the information defined above, the users recognize that the site Port Anse de la Réserve is protected by the rights of intellectual property (copyright or artistic and literary property) and the other rights attached to the intellectual property : moral right and patrimonial right and derived rights that SASU Anse de la Réserve holds as a result of the service or for which it is authorized to make use.

Subject, if necessary, to the General Conditions of Use of the Port of Anse de la Réserve website, the only right granted to users is that of temporarily receiving on their computer equipment and for their personal use, all or part of the information accessible under the Port Anse de la Réserve website service.
Users may not store offline, reproduce, publish, transmit, distribute, display, modify, create derivative works from, sell or participate in any sale of, or exploit in any way, any of the contents of the Port of Anse de la Réserve website.

The users will have to respect all the mentions relating to the rights of intellectual property and the other rights attached to the latter, such as defined above that SASU Anse de la Réserve, its partners and its providers hold on the website.
Consequently, they commit to not altering, deleting, modifying or using them in any other way, and infringe upon it.
In addition, users commit themselves not to disseminate, download or transmit without authorization information and data that are protected by intellectual property rights or other rights (set out above) and of which they are not the owner. More generally, users agree not to infringe, in any way whatsoever, their respective rights and the rights of third parties.

The trademarks and logos used on this website are the property of their depositors. They are shown here for illustrative purposes only. In no way their mention grants any license or right to use the said trademarks, which may not be used without the prior written consent of the owner of the trademark under penalty of infringement.

Photo credits :

All other uses are subject to the express authorization of the director of the publication.

Article 3 : Cookies

Users are informed that during their visits to the Port of Anse de la Réserve website, cookies may be automatically installed on the navigation software. Cookies are data blocks that do not allow the user to be identified but are used to record information about the user’s navigation on the website. The parameter setting of the navigation software makes it possible to inform of the presence of cookies and possibly to refuse them. It is therefore up to the Internet user to accept or not the installation of these cookies. The cookies are reserved for the exclusive use of the person in charge of the treatment, in order to improve the presentation of the website and to optimize the navigation within it.

Google Analytics : This website uses Google Analytics, a web analysis service provided by Google Inc. (« Google »). Google Analytics uses cookies, which are text files placed on your computer, to help the website analyze how users use the site. The information generated by the cookie about your use of the website (including your IP address) will be transmitted to and stored by Google on servers in the United States. Google will use this information for the purpose of evaluating your use of the website, compiling reports on website activity for website operators and providing other services relating to website activity and Internet usage. Google may also transfer this information to third parties where required to do so by law, or where such third parties process the information on Google’s behalf. Google will not associate your IP address with any other data held by Google. You can disable the use of cookies by selecting the appropriate settings on your browser. However, such deactivation may prevent the use of certain features of this site. By using this website, you expressly consent to the processing of your personal data by Google in the manner and for the purposes set out above.

You can prevent cookies from being saved by configuring your browser as follows :

For Microsoft Internet Explorer :
1. Choose the “Tools” menu then “Internet Options”.
2. Click on the “Privacy” tab
3. Select the desired level with the slider

For Mozilla Firefox :
1. Choose the “Tools” menu > “Options”
2. Click on the “Privacy” option
3. “Cookies” section

For Chrome :
1. Choose the “Edit” menu > “Preferences”
2. Click on the “Personal data” option
3. “Cookies” section

For Safari :
1. Choose the “Edit” menu > “Preferences”
2. Click on the “Personal data” option
3. “Cookies” section

In addition, you can manage the deposit of cookies from our cookie management window.
Please note that for technical reasons, disabling cookies may limit your access to all or part of the Port Anse de la Réserve website.

Article 4 : Hypertext links

SASU Anse de la Réserve and its partners authorize the setting up of a hypertext link to its website for organizations, partners and companies linked to the Port Anse de la Réserve website.
Are excluded the websites diffusing information of a polemical, pornographic or xenophobic nature, or which could be harmful to the sensibility of the majority of people.

The link established must lead to the home page of the Port Anse de la Réserve website and appear in a new window. Under no circumstances may the pages of the Port of Anse de la Réserve website managed by SASU Anse de la Réserve be integrated into the pages of another site without prior authorization.

Links to third-party websites :
SASU Anse de la Réserve and its partners reserve the right to point to third-party websites, excluding those disseminating information of a polemical, pornographic or xenophobic nature, or which may offend the sensibilities of the majority.
These third-party websites are not necessarily under the responsibility of SASU Anse de la Réserve. Consequently, SASU Anse de la Réserve cannot be held responsible for their content, the links they contain, nor the changes or updates that are made to them.

It is the responsibility of all users to ensure that the service of these hyperlinks offered by the Port of Anse de la Réserve site complies with any legislation, regulation or usage applicable to them, as well as their obligations to third parties. In addition, all users commit to using this service in accordance with the General and Specific Conditions of Use of the Port Anse de la Réserve website and any applicable law or contract or usage, as well as in respect of the rights of third parties.

Article 5 : Declarations, warranty and liability

SASU Anse de la Réserve and its partners cannot be held responsible for any direct or indirect damage resulting from an interruption, a dysfunction of any kind, a suspension of the Port of Anse de la Réserve website or the end of any service related to it, for any reason whatsoever, or for any direct or indirect damage that would result in any way whatsoever, from the connection to the Port Anse de la Réserve website.

The connection of the users of the site Port of Anse de la Réserve is done under their entire responsibility.

SASU Anse de la Réserve and its partners do not provide any guarantee, express, implicit, legal or otherwise, and in particular exclude any guarantee concerning the accuracy, timeliness, completeness or relevance of the information, elements or services of any content of the Port of Anse de la Réserve website and/or its ability to meet the expectations and/or particular needs of any user.

SASU Anse de la Réserve and its partners shall not be held liable if any user, third party or partner infringes any intellectual property or other rights of a third party or any applicable regulation.

SASU Anse de la Réserve and its partners exclude any warranty and responsibility for any information of a general nature or not, for any analysis or assessment that it could communicate on the website.
It is the responsibility of the users to obtain information and advice, if necessary, under their own responsibility.

SASU Anse de la Réserve and its partners can in no way be held responsible, in respect of the use of the Port Anse de la Réserve website, for any financial or commercial prejudice suffered, where applicable, by any user or third party such as, in particular, loss of profit, loss of turnover, loss of orders, loss of data, loss of savings and the burden of any additional costs, as well as any prejudice to image.

It is agreed, as far as necessary, that these prejudices constitute indirect damages and therefore do not entitle the user(s) to compensation from SASU Anse de la Réserve or its partners, even though these prejudices were foreseeable or their possibility was brought to its attention.

This exoneration of responsibility aims SASU Anse de la Réserve and its partners in a non-limitative way in case of breakdowns or interruptions making impossible the access to the site Port of Anse de la Réserve because of a telecommunication operator or an Internet service provider.

In both of the above hypotheses, the occurrence of the event must be promptly brought to the attention of the other party by the party who observes or suffers it in order to limit, as far as possible, the importance of its effects.

Article 6 : Other provisions

If one or more provisions of the General Conditions of Use of the Port Anse de la Réserve website are declared null and void by the application of a law, a contract or following a final judicial or administrative decision of a competent court, the other provisions shall retain their force and scope.

Any tolerance or waiver on the part of SASU Anse de la Réserve and/or its partners in the application of all or part of any commitment provided for in the General Conditions of Use, regardless of the date, frequency or duration, shall not, in the absence of a written agreement to that effect, be considered as a modification of the General Conditions of the Port of Anse de la Réserve website, nor shall it generate or impede any right.

Any complaint and/or dispute of the user towards SASU Anse de la Réserve and/or its partners must be notified to the latter within thirty (30) days of the generating event, under penalty of forfeiture.

For the application of the present and its consequences, SASU Anse de la Réserve and its partners and any user declare domicile at their professional address or at their respective registered office.

Article 7 : Processing of personal data

The personal data collected on this website are subject to computer processing for the management of customer relations. These data are intended for SASU Anse de la Réserve and its partners within the framework of Port of Anse de la Réserve and will be kept for a period of three years from their collection or from your last contact with SASU.

In accordance with the regulations in force applicable to the processing of personal data, in particular the General Data Protection Regulation (RGPD), you have the right to access, portability and rectification of information that concerns yourself. You can also oppose or obtain the limitation of the processing, the deletion of your data or lodge a complaint with a control authority such as the CNIL.
If you do not wish/no longer wish to receive our news, invitations and solicitations (by telephone, SMS, postal mail or e-mail), you can make a request to SASU.

For any information or exercise of these rights, the customer can contact the Data Protection Officer of SASU at the following email address:

You can also consult our personal data protection policy available on this website.

Article 8: Applicable legislation - dispute

The General Conditions of Use of the Port Anse de la Réserve website are governed by French law for their interpretation and execution.

The parties undertake to seek an amicable solution in case of disputes. In the absence of amicable solution, any dispute relating to the execution, the interpretation, the extinction of the General Conditions of Use of the site Port of Anse de la Réserve, notwithstanding plurality of defendants or appeal in guarantee, including in case of summary proceedings, will be subjected to the exclusive competence of the Courts of MARSEILLE.