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Sustainable Development Policy

Developed in 2014 by the Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur Regional Council and the Union of Ports de Plaisance de Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur and Monaco, the Sustainable Development Charter aims to develop marinas and fishing ports. in a sustainable and exemplary way, to enable them to be ready to face future challenges. These places being the main points of contact between Earth and Sea / City and Nature, it is essential to make them aware of the impacts of their current activities on the environment, while making them aware of societal perspectives.

Thus, the port of the future designed by this charter comes in several aspects;

  • An exemplary port in environmental matters:

Through actions related to the preservation of resources, as well as the reduction of the carbon footprint, but also to the organization of events related to the environment, or the development of indicators of environmental monitoring.

  • A port at the service of the local economy and businesses:

Since ports are economic spaces essential to maritime and tourist activities, hosting more than 1,300 companies, it is essential to make them actors in the various sectors that result from them, in particular fishing and boating. At its level, the port can thus contribute to the economic development of these activities by supporting their actors, encouraging the promotion of their activities, or even the provision of specific facilities, but also by carrying out innovation projects for the economic fabric. local.

  • A port involved in intra- or inter-urban travel:

The affirmation of ports to their local decision-makers as essential public service facilities for managing the flow of people, while respecting the ecological and energy transition, is a pillar of future modern transport policies. In addition, the development of initiatives allowing the emergence of new alternative solutions will support this transition.

  • A port open to all, secure, united and welcoming:

A port being a public place where a varied range of users meet, the need to promote the establishment of a healthy cohabitation within it is an essential element of their sustainability. In addition, its adequate integration into its environment will allow it to achieve overall consistency, which will improve the general condition of everyone. Finally, ensuring optimal accessibility for all people is obviously a key element of this approach.

  • A port essential component of the local heritage:

Ports being the historical successors of urban mobility, they are thus witnesses to the richness of the maritime heritage of the Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur Region and are therefore the logical leaders of the transmission of this heritage via its enhancement, maintaining it, but also promoting it over time.

In addition, the commitment of the ports in this approach allows the deployment of subsidies promoting actions related to Sustainable Development, but also to the modernization of port infrastructures.

Finally, this charter is part of a global desire of seaports to improve their environmental performance, so their inclusion in this approach is conditional on the prior implementation of a Clean Port certification.

Consult the charter signed by Jean-Luc CHAUVIN