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Between the metropolis and nature reserves, the harbor of Marseille is a jewel of the French Riviera for boaters. Its history, its postcard landscapes, its seabed as well as its land coasts make the Phocaean City a popular territory for sailors from around the world. The Port of Anse de la Réserve is a perfect example of this, thanks to its geographical location at the entrance to the city, which allows it to enjoy all the advantages offered by the city.

Sailing conditions

Aerological studies conducted in the Marseille harbor have highlighted the exceptional climatic conditions it enjoys, and it is no coincidence that many sailors consider them to be the best in the world, thanks in particular to the ideal setting of the prevailing winds.

Although the Mistral wind can occasionally disrupt navigation on the territory of Marseille, it offers remarkable climatic conditions during most of the year, allowing incredible excursions in complete safety.


The Calanques National Park, the only peri-urban terrestrial and marine natural park in Europe, extends over 20 kilometers of coastline where animals, plants and the marine world cohabit and develop for thousands of years, to the delight of its visitors.

The park is particularly famous for its incredible biodiversity; more than 1600 species of plants and animals are present within it, some of which, due to their rarity, require special protection (about a hundred species). The fragility of these environments should not be overlooked, which requires visitors to be more vigilant in their practices to ensure the conservation and sustainability of these places. That is why some accesses to natural or protected territories are regulated and it is therefore preferable to consult the website of the Parc National des Calanques before any departure. Moreover, the Donia application is an asset promoted by the Calanques agency in a process of preservation of nature reserves and help to navigation of boaters.

Among the many creeks accessible by boat from the Anse de la Réserve, the most famous are the following: Sormiou, Morgiou, En-Vau, Port-Pin, Port-Miou.

Learn more about the Calanques National Park and the Doniaapplication

Islands and archipelagos

The harbor of Marseille also offers a quick access by boat to islands whose landscapes and views are different. The closest is the Île du Frioul which is directly visible at the exit of the port. The Archipel de Riouis a little further towards the creeks, followed respectively by the Île Verte, then the islands of Embiez, Porquerollesand Port-Cros.


In addition to an underwater fauna and flora as rich as on land, the history of the city is also transcribed in its reefs where are nestled wrecks and treasures that have made the fame of explorers such as Commander Cousteau or Henri Germain Delauze, founder of Comex.

However, it is not necessary to be equipped with diving equipment to observe the beauty of the Marseille seabed, a mask and a snorkel are more than enough to see this treasure.

These elements make the harbor of Marseille an exceptional yachting environment, offering sailors breathtaking landscapes and viewpoints, sublimated by magnificent sunsets, especially during the summer.

Le port de l’Anse de la Reserve est ainsi fier de prendre ancrage dans le second complexe de plaisance Européen, et de donner accès à ses plaisanciers à un territoire nautique d’une rare diversité.